Our first public Women’s Self-Defense Class of 2025 will be held on Saturday, March 1, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This class is open to teenagers and up, and is a fantastic class for moms and their teenage daughters! 

This class is $49 per person and includes a self-defense keychain, which we’ll teach you how to use in the class! Register at www.selfprotectionforwomen.net or call 970-217-0501. 

Our Level One “Refuse to be a Victim” Women’s Self-Defense Class is approximately 2.5 hours and covers verbal self-defense, awareness, body language, assertive behavior, basic striking with elbows, palms, knees and kicks, and wrist and grab escapes. 

This class includes how to fight to escape an attempted abduction, and we also do an active shooter drill where we learn how to attack the shooter.  

This self-protection class is designed to give you the basic skills you need to refuse to be a victim of a violent crime and to make you a “hard target” for criminals.

Our “Refuse to be a Victim” Women’s Self-Defense Classes (and private lessons) are held at our karate and self-defense studio at 1180 West Ash Street in Windsor.

We offer our Level One Women’s Self-Defense Class open to the public several times a year. We also teach many private classes throughout the year — please call if you’re interested in booking a private class!